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Building 18 Office Park Lt. 18
Jl. T.B. Simatupang No.18, Pasar Minggu,
South Jakarta - 12520


+62 (021) 2787 1818
+62 (021) 2770 8558

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4X7 MW

If in several previous editions REINSITE discussed a project that is located on the island of Java, at the end of 2022, we will shift to the east to tell a story about one of the Government’s Red and White program projects, namely the Sorong Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Project which is located in Arar village, Sorong province.

The PLTU project with a capacity of 4×7 MW was previously planned to be built in Ayuka Village, Timika Province, Papua. However, due to technical constraints in the form of land conditions that did not support the design, the project officially moved its location to the Sorong area on March 20, 2020.

This December, the Electrical Engineering project team, through hard work and long struggle, succeeded in overseeing the activities of loading the main PLTU
materials, namely transformers, steam turbines, boilers and WTP/WWTP.

The current work progress has reached 47.51%, where the project team colleagues in the field are completing backfill and compaction activities which are targeted for completion in January 2023. Meanwhile, the next stage of work is piling work which is planned for completion in February 2023 , then foundation construction work, grounding work, and civil works which are targeted to be completed by the end of 2023.

The Sorong 4×7 MW PLTU project is expected to add electricity to the lighting program for the eastern region, especially in the Sorong area and its surroundings, which has now become a newly expanded province, namely the Southwest Papua Province.

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The Board of Commissioners Visited the Cirata Transmission Line and Substation Project

On Thursday, 22 December 2022, the Main Board of Commissioners (Mrs. Alfath Cordea Imalutha) & the Board of Commissioners (Achmad Fachruddin) had the opportunity to visit the project location that is currently being worked on by Rekadaya Elektrika, namely the Transmission Line project site and the 150 kV Cirata Substation. Accompanied by 3 Directors, namely Mr. Jonner MP Pardosi (President Director), Mr. Indrayoga Suharto (Business Director 1), Mr. Nur Hidayat (Business Director 2) and the Corporate Secretary with the head office HSE team.

The visit begins with a site visit to the 150 kV substation work location which is located not far from the location of the PT PLN Nusantara Power Unit Pembangkitan Cirata Office, then proceeds to the Transmission Line (TL) tower 9 project and ends at the TL tower 1 project which is right on the location Cirata Floating PLTS.

The Transmission Line development work being carried out by RE aims to support electricity distribution services which will later be generated from the Floating PLTS owned by PT PLN Nusantara Power.

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Energized GIS 150 kV Pantai Indah Kapuk Trafo#1

Rekadaya personnel again demonstrated trustworthiness through the implementation of energized one of the Substation projects, namely GIS 150 kV Pantai Indah Kapuk Trafo#1 on Friday, 02 December 2022.


The work, which was led by Muger Gentala as the Project Manager, succeeded in carrying out voltage applications after obtaining a Voltage Worthy Recommendation Letter on November 30, 2022.


Our appreciation goes to the project team colleagues who have devoted all their time and energy so that the GIS 150 kV Pantai Indah Kapuk project can be energized on time according to the owner’s expectations.

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This edition of RE-INSITE is proud to say that one of PT Rekadaya Elektrika’s projects, namely the 500 kV Indramayu – Cibatu (Section 8) Transmission Line work, has been 100% complete. The Extra High Voltage Air Line (SUTET), which acts as the backbone of the Java-Bali electricity system, will evacuate electricity that will later be generated by power plants on the northern route.

T/L 500 kV Indaramayu – Cibatu section 8 work with a total length of 10 kmr and as many as 24 tower points have been successfully built by RE in accordance with what was mandated by PT PLN UIP JBT (Central Java Development Unit). Currently, the RE field team is just waiting for the final merge stage with section 7.

We convey congratulations and success to our friends from the Indramayu-Cibatu Section 8 SUTET 500kV field team.

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Excellent and proud achievements have been engraved in the real work and contribution of PT Rekadaya Elektrika (RE) in Indonesian electricity. In particular, the SUTT 150kV Poncol II (GIS) – New Poncol project, which is a vital network project in Jakarta owned by PT PLN (Persero) UIP West Java, was successfully Energized on September 22, 2021.

Construction of a transmission line as Incomer GIS 150 kV Poncol II to GI 150 kV Poncol to support the supply of electricity needs for the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train National Strategic Project (KCJB) and Bekasi City.

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One of the works currently being carried out by Rekadaya Elektrika (RE) is the construction of the 150kV Kebon Sirih II (GIS) Incomer – Pulomas SUTT. RE got the trust to build 2 point towers which are located in the middle of residential areas and railroads.

Currently the work has entered the Inspection and Commissioning stage to further obtain SLO and Energize. Strengthening the transmission network is expected to improve electricity services to priority customers.

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This edition, REINSITE returns to visit the substation project located on the island of Kalimantan, namely the Kuala Pemburan 150 kV Substation, to be precise in Pematang Panjang Village, Seruyan Hilir Timur District, Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan.

RE work scope includes 2 line bays and 1 transformer bay. The construction of the 150 kV Kuala Pemburan Substation which is targeted for completion in December 2021, aims to strengthen the reliability of PT PLN’s electricity system on the island of Kalimantan.

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Congratulations to Mr. Indrayoga Suharto (Business Director 1 of PT Rekadaya Elektrika) for being selected as the Winner of the Indonesia Young Business Leader Awards 2022 (IYBLA 2022) in the Business Entity Leader category.

FYI, Mr. Indrayoga was selected as 10 winners out of 65 finalists who passed the selection for the judging stage at the IYBLA 2022 event, which was held last March. The IYBLA 2022 program is a form of appreciation or recognition for a cadre of potential and accomplished young business leaders.

In this program there is judging which is carried out through 2 stages, namely the first is paper judging and the second stage is a presentation in front of a panel of Independent Jury who are experts and senior practitioners in the field of leadership and business management. Announcement of winners was delivered through a webinar and virtual awarding ceremony which was held on Wednesday, April 27 2022 yesterday.

Once again, congratulations on your win. This recognition is surely deserved and you made us all proud.



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Project Batang – Ungaran

The 500 kV Extra High Voltage Air Line Network (SUTET) that stretches along the North Java route, which is part of the Government’s 35,000 Mega Watt Program, is also the backbone of the Java-Bali electricity system. The task of PT PLN (Persero) is not only to build a power plant, but also to align it with the availability of transmission networks and substations so that power can be evacuated to the customer’s load center.

The 500 kV Tanjung Jati B – Pemalang (Batang) SUTET with a total of 545 towers and a total of 455.62 kms of channels is the fruit of the hard work and synergy of PT PLN (Persero) and its staff including PT Rekadaya Elektrika. PT Rekadaya Elektrika (RE) also contributed to this transmission mega project, to be precise in section 2 which crosses the Ungaran – Batang route. RE succeeded in completing 106 towers with a total distance of 52.5 km or the equivalent of 105 km.

With dedication, high commitment and thorough work enthusiasm to be able to complete every project entrusted, RE has succeeded in completing this work even though it was full of challenges and obstacles in the field. Stages of individual testing and equipment function testing have been completed. This was followed by the issuance of a Voltage Worthy Recommendation Letter (RLB) stating that the 500 kV Tanjung Jati B – Batang SUTET was feasible to be energized for 24 hours.