Our Contacts

Building 18 Office Park Lt. 18
Jl. T.B. Simatupang No.18, Pasar Minggu,
South Jakarta - 12520


+62 (021) 2787 1818
+62 (021) 2770 8558

This Code of Conduct is a reference for more detailed of Company Regulations in accordance with the needs of organizational in each units within PT Rekadaya Elektrika. Given the dynamic business environment, PT Rekadaya Elektrika will always review the Code of Conduct on an ongoing basis as an effort to achieve the best work standards for the company. PT Rekadaya Elektrika will always publish any changes and additions that occur to this Code of Conduct if necessary. Pedoman Etika Perusahaan (Code of Conduct) is a joint decision of the Board of Directors with SK No. 012/SK-Dir/RE/I/2021