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ENERGIZED Extention 2 Line Bay GI 150 kV Pagelaran

Proud news has come again from colleagues from the PT Rekadaya Elektrika (RE) site project team, because on Saturday, July 15 2023, the RE team in the field has successfully carried out the energized project Extention 2 Line Bay Substation 150 kV Pagelaran located in Pringsewu, Lampung.

The project, which was entrusted by PT PLN (Persero) for the Southern Sumatra Main Generation Unit (PLN UIP SBS), has succeeded in energizing it. After previously obtaining a Voltage Worthy Recommendation Letter on Thursday 13 July 2023. Next, the project team together with PUSERTIF will carry out a 24-hour loading test.

Appreciation was conveyed by Mr. Wahidin as GM UIP SBS, Mr. Ndaru Seto as SRM OPKON UIP SBS, and Mr. Haryo Wisnuaji as UPP SUMSEL 3 Manager who were present in person to witness the energized process. Mr. Haryo Wisnuaji as MUPP SUMSEL 3 expressed his gratitude for the hard work given by the Electrical Engineering Team so that this project was successfully carried out.

Mr. Indrayoga Suharto as Business Director I Rekadaya Elektrika, who is also the direct supervisor of this project, expressed his gratitude for the well-developed collaboration between PLN UIP SBS, UPP SUMSEL 3 and RE, so that this project could be completed. We hope that the success of this project will benefit PLN UIP SBS as the owner and the wider community.

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